The integration of disparate Low Voltage systems within different facility’s has become a critical component of all modern projects. Integrations may be designed in any number of ways, however, the end goal is always the same; To ensure the end-user has fast, efficient access to information, alarms and to communicate this information to the correct staff members.
Recent years have seen an increased reliance on server & software based integrations, with little to no focus on legacy systems, often making integrations overly complex, laborious and cost prohibitive.
The Access Protocol “Quattro Interface Module” or “QIM” is a stand-alone, hardware based, integration platform; designed to allow high-level interfacing between both modern and legacy low-voltage systems using protocols that are not natively supported.
Common systems requiring integration include Fire Panels, Security Systems, BMS, Inovonics, Nurse Call Systems, DECT & Wireless Telephony,
Paging etc. All systems have differing interfacing methods and protocols available.